Well for this DIY, I was inspired by I Spy Diy's chain bracelet that she makes a lot , which I always wanted one cause they look so cool, plus i love her, she's just so amazing . I always feel positive browsing through her insight full blog. Talking about chains , I think packing on different kinds of bracelet is a instant way to jazz up your outfit without trying to hard. Bracelet's can really lift up even jean an t-shirt looks. Let's see what research did I do this time..

I SPY DIY chain tutorial. Go check it out!

DIY woven chain bracelet!Honestly...WTF

So what you'll need are
1) Chains
2) Suede or leather Strings
3) Pliers
4) Bracelet Closure
It's easy really, just tie the two chains together and start weaving the two chains together. Pull tightly as you
go. Then tie the ends. Attach you closer and your done! Here's a better explanation to how it works. HERE!
Check my new ring I got , I'm totally obsessed with it! It's a emerald stone.
So I was feeling productive today so i did a drawing of I SPY DIY! Because she just looked so cheerful
all the time , like a bright sunny day so I tried to capture it!
That's it for now,
I hope you guys enjoyed it,
Till next time.