Thursday, 26 July 2012

Night Market at Jaya One

Hey guys! I've been busy producing, haha. But now I'm ready to show you guys what I've been making. This is all for a booth I'm at this coming Saturday @ Jaya One.( don't worry I'll insert a map if you guys don't know it!) . If you're free and it's convenient , do drop by and say hi ( I love meeting you guys). So here they are! Owh and how's you Ramadan guys, good? I hope you all have a meaningful one! I've been making a lot of prints lately, I really hope that I can design textiles one day! Don't forget to go like my facebook here!

There you go.
See you there!

Monday, 16 July 2012

Art fest!

Hello there! Salut! I have been particularly busy, with commissions and preparing new things for upcoming booth I'm having in two weeks in Jaya One. Totally excited , I completely forgot to update my blog. I made a lot of new paintings , all inspired by typography , I've been really digging hand-painted lettering cant stop thinking about it. and I ordered some stamps and did some "raya" postcards!. So this post is going to be a massive works that's been accumulated throughout however long I wasn't here. Their a mix of works and life, If you see a picture with a bunch of medals, well here's the scoop. One day a rat decided to stroll across my living room , yes a RAT!unfortunately for the rat he came into Haris Rashid's household. haha As soon as I saw it I scram "RAT"!!!! and I took a metal rod and start viciously attacking the rat , (cut through the details) and the rat is in the dumpster. Haha I wish, I din't kill it. It ran away through the back door. So then, my mother started to furiously clean the area below the stairs that we made into a mini storage room. So while I was cleaning , I found my pile of medal that I got throughout my school years. Here's a funny story about me, anyone that knows me from primary school know that I was a fierce track field runner. I was fast, no kidding so I got quite a handful of medals from it running for the school. It was till the point that I wanted to became an athlete. (how hilarious is that) let me remind you I had no artistic abilities then. So when I went to high school, unfortunately all the other kids when crazy growth spurts that they left me behind in the race with their long legs.I was so frustrated, my mum was the art teacher and they was art competition at school that desperately needed  participants , so my mum pushed me into it.. ... So I won the competition. Then I started getting trophies for that and the rest is history!

I hope that enough to fill your minds,
I'm still making more artworks!
Till next time!

Friday, 6 July 2012

New Leaf

Bonjour, Salut! Well well... Haris you have some explaining to do huh?. Yes, a LOT has changed since my last post. What happen was, I had a little identity crisis I suppose- I was thinking of my brand and where I want to go with it in the future. After loads of advice from friends and family , I decided that Venom Fame was a risky name (especially in Malaysia) risky in terms that in din't go to all kinds of people well enough. So I wanted a more neutral and international name to bring myself forward in this industry, and what better name that myself. It is quite a big risk really considering I build my name from scratch by Venom Fame, I may loose readers but I think it's a necessary step for me to take ,to appear more presentable. So I'm kind of starting over with a new name Haris Rashid. So I hope I don't loose my loyal supporters and be sure that with this re-branding comes fresh ideas and projects in the future. Speaking of witch , I've been  very hard working on upcoming projects for you guys to enjoy. So here are sneak peeks!

That's all for now,
please stay tuned.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Menswear Spring Summer 2013

Hello there, I'll explain my change of url name in another post soon. But now I just want to share the latest fashion shows straight from the runways. Look at all these clothes, got me at the edge of my seat.

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