Hello everyone!!
So, it's been awhile, huh?, assignments grabbed me and it wouldn't let go. He is so mean isn't he.
I really wanted to blog but there where no relevant space to. So my BIRTHDAY was yesterday, I
wanted to make this post yesterday but was too tired. So yeah, I'm bloody 19 now, it sucks!.
I liked being 18 not too young not too old. but apparently time went against me and cast a spell
and turned me older!. Regardless of time's black magic, I had the single most amazing year ever(despite
the drama that happen!) like seriously I really use this year to my advantage, with faith , family and friends!
Wonder full events and achievements, which I love to revisit. I try my best to document the highlights here in
my blog. This week was actually hard to go through, I was amazingly sick!, my tonsils decided to swell, and
left me in pain breathing. I felt horrible, going through exams with a big fever and flu. I couldn't afford missing
class, so I sucked it up and dragged my sorry ass to college. I've had it with my tonsils, this is definitely the
last straw, so I went to Damansara Specialist Hospital , and saw the doctor to get it operated out of me.If
everything goes right , ill be admitted in December. Enough about my sad health, let get to photos I took
of my present and what I got from people.
Well, here's a story to tell you , Yesterday, as I was normally going to class, and it was my birthday.
and after endless of friends and family wished me, I was particularly waiting for my best friend in college
to wish me, I expected her to be one of the first to wish , but she din't which worried me and angered me at
the same time. So the days creep till afternoon, then I started to go crazy, I really din't want to talk to
her if she din't wish me so I kept asking my friends , "Why isn't she calling and wishing"
"Seriously , she is going to DIE!!"
So I was so crazy in class, then I wanted to pee, so quickly turn and walked straight to the door
neglecting any people calling because I really wanted to pee. So I walked to the classroom that had
toilets, and it was closed. So I figured that they were a class inside, so I peeked through the door window
and to my insane surprise, it was HER, the one I've been waiting to wish me! And she was mending
a hand full of cupcakes with fire crackers on top, I went deliriousness , and run away as fast away
from the door because I knew I ruined the surprise cause I saw her staring straight to me and screaming !!!
so yeah, I blew the surprise because of my bladder. Laugh out Loud!!!!! Sorry Khalis!
I love you!!

Here's my birthday outfit!and the pink car Tihah gave to me so cute and sassy! haha
My mom and sister got me the new sweater and bag which I'm still in shock that they gave it to me!
I LOVE the jacket, it's like high school jacket, just the shape and cut without the cheezzy letter.
which is perfect, and it's in dark colors, and the bag, where do I begin , I am obsessed with it!
I've been wanting it like forever for my art college, because it's just perfect for putting big
tools and art board in to it and it fits!
My pull-over collection is expanding , the blue sweater on top I recently bought at Uniqlo, One Utama,
You guys should totally check it out, they have the best basics ever!
Below are pics I took during the week, some gemstones, breakfast and cousin visit.
Okay I'm done , Au revoir, till next time!