Well last Sunday, I went on a little adventure over in the fashion world. My friend Jaa, (I think you'll know her if you follow me long enough) she being so in tuned with the fashion scene in Malaysia being a fashion student herself . So she just kind of asked me if I wanted to work for Jovian Mandagie ( a famous local couturier) on a Saturday night. Now this is something entirely out of my comfort zone but some bone in my body jump to agreement! So I did , the next day we went to Royale Chulan hotel in KL , all nervous and anxious how it all work out. The event was for his Aidil adha Raya launch for pre-order and open house. So we met him for a briefing, and there he was . I could not believe that I was in a presence of a famous fashion designer, him being all casual with his Prada bag and his amazing Christian Lauboutin flats. So I was in charged of handling the RSVP counter for the VVIP's. Looking at the list they gave, slowly scrolling down as I read one artist after another even came across some favorite bloggers that were going to come. Gave me butterflies seeing glamorous elites parading across my eyes!. Never thought that I could ever greet such amazing people. And the clothe's were gorgeous, so elegant and simple. Ordered one for my mum, giving her a surprise for when she got home from Sabah. I think that I'm becoming more open to what ever opportunity that comes to me, saying " What the heck, at least I can say that I've done it". To add to this, I got an e-mail from the British Council inviting me to be a presenter for "Pecha Kucha" night. The event is quite public with possible medias covering that night, giving me goosebumps just thinking of it. And what did I say , haha YES!. I've never been ask to present about anything , for them to even consider me is mind bobbling!. You just never now what life will trow at you, just have an open mind and embrace it!

May the odds be ever in your Favor!
haha, just managed to watch Hunger Games.
bye now
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